The accommodated clients are governed by the laws of the Czech Republic on the basis of Czech law and the accommodation rules of Hotel Raffaello. The accommodated guest accepts the accommodation rules as a contractual condition of accommodation and is obliged to observe its provisions.
Each guest is obliged to familiarize themselves with these accommodation rules, his ignorance will not be taken into account. The accommodation rules are published on the website of Hotel Raffaello.
General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as «Terms») of:
| Obchodní firma/název: Plzeň Hotels s.r.o.
| Sídlo společnosti: Legerova 1816/35, Nové Město (Praha 2), 120 00 Praha
| Identifikační číslo: 14281651,
| Právní forma: Společnost s ručením omezeným
| Spisová značka: z obchodního rejstříku, vedeného Městským soudem v Praze oddíl C, vložka 362966
| Datum vzniku a zápisu: 22. únor 2022
contractual relationship between Plzeň Hotels s.r.o. and the natural or legal person who orders the stay
(hereinafter referred to as the «client»).
Article I. — Subject matter of the contractual relationship
These Terms and Conditions regulate the rights and obligations of the contractual parties when renting hotel
rooms for accommodation and other hotel services as individual services according to the individual customer’s request.
Article II. — Establishment of a contractual relationship
The contractual relationship between the client and the hotel arises upon the confirmation of the hotel´s order of
stay. The hotel undertakes to provide the client with a stay and provide the agreed scope and quality of the
agreed service (hereinafter referred to as «stay») and the client is obliged to pay the hotel the agreed price.
Article III. — Order of stay, price and payment
3.1 Order of stay
— by phone: +420 730 538 301
— by e-mail:
— via the reservation form on the website:
— through sales portals with which the hotel has a cooperation
3.2 The guest is obliged to pay the agreed contractual prices of the hotel for the accommodation and other
services he / she uses based on the stated hotel price list.
Prices of provided services are stated in the online booking form: Price per
room includes VAT of 10%. The price does not include a stay fee of CZK 50/adult/night.
3.3 Payment for services ordered by the client and confirmed by the hotel is made by the client upon arrival at
the hotel in cash or by credit card or via sales portals (online payment) after making a reservation. The hotel
requires the right to temporarily withhold the relevant amount (the so-called pre-authorization of the credit card)
before the guest’s arrival as a guarantee of the reservation.
If the client shortens the agreed length of stay at the hotel, the hotel has the right to charge the client the full
amount of the agreed price for the entire length of the ordered stay.
Article IV. — Customer’s basic rights and obligations
4.1 Customer’s rights: a) the right to properly provide contractually agreed and paid services, b) the right to be
aware of any changes in the contracted services, c) the right to withdraw from the contract at any time prior to
the start of the stay or to claim defects.
4.2 Obligations of the customer: a) to provide the hotel with the assistance required to properly secure and
provide services, in particular truthfully and completely state the required information in the order, incl.
reporting any changes to such data, b) to inform the hotel without undue delay about any changes in the terms
and conditions of the agreed services, c) to receive the documents necessary for the services from the hotel and
to arrive at the specified time at the specified time d) of the contract, the customer is obliged to notify the hotel
of such withdrawal from the contract and to pay the severance pay according to the cancellation conditions.
Article V. — Basic obligations of the hotel
a) provide the client with all information about the stay b) secure the client’s stay on the basis of a confirmed
order and in accordance with generally binding legal regulations c) in the case of withdrawal from the contract
by the client pay no later than 14 days after the written receipt of cancellation stay and applicable cancellation
Article VI. — Withdrawal and cancellation conditions
The client has the right to cancel the stay at any time, ie to withdraw from the contract. The contractual
relationship is terminated and participation is canceled on the day when the written notice of withdrawal
(cancellation of stay) is notified to the hotel. Such withdrawal must be made in writing and notice of withdrawal
must be demonstrably delivered. In this case, the hotel has the right to charge severance / cancellation fees
(contractual penalty). The severance pay is payable immediately. After deducting severance pay from the total
price of the stay, the customer will receive the rest of the amount paid. If the severance payment (cancellation
fees) is higher than the advance payment, the client is obliged to pay an amount equal to the severance payment
(cancellation fees).
Cancellation fees
Standard booking
● cancellation / change of reservation more than 2 days before arrival — free of charge
● cancellation / change of reservation less than 2 days before arrival — we charge 100% of the total price
of the reservation
Non-refundable reservations
● the reservation cannot be canceled or changed
● cancellation/change of the reservation at any time after the reservation has been made — we charge
100% of the total price of the reservation
Article VII. — Use of personal data
See separate document Information on Personal Data Processing.
Article VIII. — Final Provisions
The General Terms and Conditions come into effect on 1 October 2023.
The accommodated guest has the right to file an out-of-court settlement of such a dispute to a designated subject
of out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes:
The Czech Trade Inspection
Central Inspectorate — ADR Unit
Štěpánská 15
120 00 Prague 2
The Czech Trade Inspection Authority is a supervisory body supervising consumer protection, proceeding
pursuant to Act No. 64/1986 Coll., On the Czech Trade Inspection Authority, as amended, and other legal
regulations. The website of the Czech Trade Inspection Authority is
Pursuant to Section 1837 (j) of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., The Civil Code accommodated as a consumer, the right
to withdraw from the accommodation contract does not arise if the accommodation facility provides
performance within the stipulated deadline.
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