GDPR | Hotel Leon


Principles of personal data processing – Hotel Leon



Ortenovo Namesti 26

Praha 3

PSČ: 170 00

+420 730 538 301

This document is dedicated to the protection of personal data following RegulationEU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (General Data Protection Regulation) – (‚GDPR‘) (General Data Protection Regulation).

Principles of personal data processing

V naší Společnosti si všichni osobních údajů velmi vážíme a uvědomujeme si, jak vzácný artikl nám
svěřujete. Níže si prosím přečtěte, jakým způsobem k ochraně osobních údajů naše Společnost
V případě jakéhokoliv dotazu nás prosím kontaktujte na e-mailové adrese:

In our Company, we all value personal information very much and realize how precious the item you entrust us.
Please read below how our Company treats personal data. If you have any questions, please contact us at:
Personal Data Administrator
The administrator of your personal data is:

| Obchodní firma/název: Plzeň Hotels s.r.o.

| Sídlo společnosti: Legerova 1816/35, Nové Město (Praha 2), 120 00 Praha

| Identifikační číslo: 14281651,

| Právní forma: Společnost s ručením omezeným

| Spisová značka: z obchodního rejstříku, vedeného Městským soudem v Praze oddíl C, vložka 362966

| Datum vzniku a zápisu: 22. únor 2022

If you wish to send any question or complaint to our Company, please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail:
We will process your application in accordance with the relevant legal regulations without undue delay and we will
inform you of its processing within 30 days of receiving such a request. (This deadline may be extended by a
further two months in certain cases. For example, due to the high complexity and possibly the large number of such
requests to process.)
Purposes of processing
We process your personal data for the following purposes:
Principles of personal data processing
● fulfillment of our legal obligations in connection with our activities (especially fulfillment of legal
obligations in connection with the Act on the Residence of Aliens in the Czech Republic and the Act on
Local Fees) (hereinafter the “Legal Obligations”)
● fulfillment of our contractual obligations (especially fulfillment of obligations arising from the
accommodation contract) (hereinafter referred to as “Contractual Obligations”)
● for our legitimate interest and to maintain the history of your reservations for the purpose of improving
services and offering targeting and marketing events (“Service Improvements”)
Scope and time of processing of personal data
We will only process information about you that we absolutely need for our above-mentioned purposes. The scope
and duration of the data processed vary according to the purposes of their use.
Our guests
In order to comply with the Legal Obligations, we will process the following data for at least 6 years after your last
Name and surname
Permanent residence
Travel document and visa number
Origin and place of residence in the Czech Republic
Estimated duration and purpose of the stay
In order to fulfill the Contractual Obligations, we will process the following data for at least 3 years from your last
visit (unless longer processing is necessary due to the assertion of our legal claims):
Name and surname
Permanent residence
In order to improve our services, we will process the following data for at least 3 years:
Name, surname, address, title
Permanent residence
Telephone number
Email address
Principles of personal data processing
Processing time
We work with your personal data:
● for the time required to fulfill the purpose (ie at least for the duration of our legal obligations),
● to determine, exercise or defend legal claims.
After the purpose of processing and the end of the specified period for processing and storing personal data, your
data will be safely deleted or destroyed or anonymized.
Your rights
Everyone has the right to know how we handle their personal information. Therefore, of course, you can contact us
if you wish to exercise any of the following rights:
Right of access to personal data,
Right to repair, respectively. additions,
Right of erasure,
Right to Restrict Processing,
The right to data portability,
Right to object,
Right not to be subject to automated individual decision-making with legal or similar effects, including profiling.
Right to file a complaint – if you have a problem, please contact us first and we will do our best to help you
resolve the issue. However, if necessary, you can, of course, contact our supervisory authority, the Office for
Personal Data Protection.
Transfer of personal data to third parties
As part of our activities, your personal information may be provided to:
● legal entities (eg courts, investigators, bailiffs, etc.),
● processors who guarantee technical and organizational security of personal data protection (eg reservation
system etc.)
Personal data shall only be transferred to third parties to the extent necessary for the purpose.
Our Company cooperates only with processors who provide sufficient guarantees of personal data protection by
implementing appropriate technical and organizational measures so that the processing complies with legal
Principles of personal data processing
requirements. The Company has always concluded an appropriate agreement on the processing of personal data
with these processors.
Recipients of your personal information
List of subjects that may come into contact with your personal data:
● public authorities and courts (especially in the performance of our legal obligations), auditors or other
independent persons performing legal duties, IT providers or operators,
● providers of services necessary for the performance of our activities (legal advice, archiving, administrative
activities, receivables management, etc.).
Useful links
Here are some useful links and relevant legislation:
2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of
such data and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (General Data Protection Regulation)
Act No. 101/2000 Coll., On the protection of personal data and on amendments to certain acts, as in effect from 1
July 2017
Act No. 480/2004 Coll., On Certain Information Society Services, as effective from 1 July 2017
Act No. 565/1990 Coll., Czech National Council on Local Fees
Act No. 326/1999 Coll., On the Residence of Aliens in the Czech Republic and on Amendments to Certain Acts